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JavaScript’s this Keyword: Why Context Changes Everything

Is It the Same Function or a Different Story?

by Dec 5, 2024Development

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Why does this behave differently depending on how a function is called?

Insight: Understanding this in Different Contexts

In JavaScript, this refers to the execution context, which changes based on how and where a function is called. This dynamic behavior can be confusing, especially for developers transitioning from languages where this behaves more predictably.

Here’s how this behaves in different contexts:

In Regular Functions

  • this is determined by the call context, meaning the object (or lack of object) that calls the function.
  • If the function is called globally or without an object, this defaults to the global object (window in browsers or global in Node.js). In strict mode, this is undefined.

In Methods

  • When a function is called as a method of an object, this refers to the object the method belongs to.

In Arrow Functions

  • Arrow functions do not have their own this. Instead, they inherit this from their enclosing lexical scope, making them useful for nested functions.
A 3D icon with the letters 'JS' representing JavaScript, illustrating a comparison between null and undefined in JavaScript, as discussed in the article 'What’s the Difference Between null and undefined in JavaScript?

Example Code

Let’s use Tony Stark and his AI assistant, Jarvis, to illustrate how this behaves in various contexts.

Global Context (Regular Function)

In a global function, this depends on whether strict mode is enabled.

function whoAmI() {
  console.log(this); // In non-strict mode, this is the global object (window/global)

whoAmI(); // Outputs: global object or undefined in strict mode

Method Context

When this is used in a method, it refers to the object the method belongs to.

const jarvis = {
  name: "Jarvis",
  getName: function () {
    console.log(; // 'this' refers to the jarvis object

jarvis.getName(); // Outputs: "Jarvis"

Nested Function (Problematic Context)

In regular nested functions, this defaults to the global context because the nested function isn’t called as a method of the object.

const suit = {
  model: "Mark XLVII",
  getSuitDetails: function () {
    function showModel() {
      // 'this' refers to the global object (window/global), not the suit object

// Outputs: undefined (in strict mode) 
// or a global object's 'model' (if defined) in non-strict mode

Arrow Function (Solution for Nested Functions)

Arrow functions inherit this from their surrounding scope, solving the issue in nested functions.

const suitFixed = {
  model: "Mark XLVII",
  getSuitDetails: function () {
    const showModel = () => {
      console.log(this.model); // 'this' is inherited from getSuitDetails's context

suitFixed.getSuitDetails(); // Outputs: "Mark XLVII"

Why This Matters

  • Global Confusion: In a global context or with nested functions, this may not point to the object you expect, leading to hard-to-debug issues.
  • Predictable Contexts: Using arrow functions ensures that this remains consistent in nested functions, while regular functions allow this to point to the object calling the method.

Best Practices for Managing this

  • Use Arrow Functions for Lexical this:
    Arrow functions are ideal for ensuring consistent context in nested functions since they inherit this from the enclosing scope.
  • Choose Regular Functions for Object Methods:
    Regular functions are suited for object methods where this should refer to the object calling the method.
  • Explicitly Set Context When Needed:
    Use bind, call, or apply to manually control this when functions are called in non-method contexts.
    bind: Creates a new function with this explicitly set.
    call: Calls a function with this and arguments specified explicitly.
    apply: Similar to call but accepts arguments as an array.
const suit = {
  model: "Mark XLVII",
  showModel: function () {

const showModelBound = suit.showModel.bind(suit); // Explicitly bind 'this' to suit
showModelBound(); // Outputs: "Mark XLVII"

Final Takeaway

Understanding this is critical for writing predictable and maintainable code. Think of this as the object in focus—use arrow functions when inheriting the surrounding context makes sense, and regular functions for object methods where this should refer to the object itself.

Ready to explore the future of JavaScript? Check out our breakdown of Promises and async/await to master asynchronous programming.

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