Bits Kingdom logo with a hexagon lattice, uppercase text in white, and a minimalistic design.


UX/UI Designer & Frontend Developer

I'm a UI/UX designer with frontend skills in HTML, CSS, Sass, and WordPress. I enjoy working on interface design and enhancing user experiences for both mobile and web apps. My passion lies in creating intuitive and visually appealing designs that seamlessly connect users with technology.

Tech Arsenal

UX/UI Design , HTML/CSS , Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Known For

Creative and eloquent, Marcos is humble yet brimming with knowledge on diverse topics. A natural speaker, he can deliver a talk on just about anything. He’s a die-hard Figma fan and loves engaging in long, meaningful conversations.

Canonical Moment

"The day Santiago introduced me to Figma. I’d always used Illustrator, but after that, I never looked back."

Things He Loves

Must-Have Apps

Figma, Chrome, Spotify

If Marcos Were a Meme

Author’s posts: