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Explore The Hero’s Journey

Storytelling Techniques Applied to Social Media - PART I

by Feb 24, 2023Content

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In this series of copywriting articles, we’re gathering the best storytelling copywriting techniques and showing you how to apply them to Social Media!

We’ll start the journey with Joseph Campbell’s hero (or heroine)! But first, let’s dive into the benefits of using storytelling in your media posts, videos, and blog articles.

Hold the brand key! 

Storytelling helps you tell the story of your brand. 

  • It aids the brain in remembering the brand’s name, vision, and products. 
  • It taps into emotions and can change behavior. 
  • Its main goal is to connect and engage audiences. 
  • It has the power to convert audiences into fervent followers.

We All Need Heroes! 

Campbell described the Hero’s Journey (a.k.a Monomyth) in his 1949 masterpiece “The Hero With a Thousand Faces”.

His comparative mythology research led him to discover that all cultures of the world share this archetypal structure in most of their myths and stories. 

The Hero’s Journey involves 3 main stages (departure, initiation, and return) with 17 steps

Let’s Depart! 

This is the stage where it all starts. According to Campbell, it has 5 steps:

1. Call to adventure – In this step, the hero’s ordinary life is interrupted by a challenging incident that requires him to embark on a journey.

2. Refusal of the call – The hero is initially reluctant to follow the call.

3. Supernatural aid Fortunately, a mentor shows up with inspiring good advice that helps the hero dive into the adventure.

4. Crossing threshold In this step, the decision is made and the Hero commits to the journey.

5. Belly of the Whale – The hero is presented with a major obstacle that leads hero to a point of no return in his journey.

Let’s Initiate! 

This is the stage of action, the plot where it all happens, and it consists of 6 steps!

6. Road of trials – The hero is faced with several ordeals he needs to pass to carry on.

7. Meeting with the goddess – Meets an ally, supernatural or not, that helps them in the journey.

8. Temptation – The Hero is tempted to abandon the journey. Traditionally he is tempted by a woman, but it can be any kind of temptation aimed to derail him.

9. Atonement – The hero confronts his inner demons and reconciles with an authoritative figure (traditionally a father figure).

10. Apotheosis – After facing the inner demons, the hero reaches enlightenment and has a deep understanding of his purpose in the journey.

11. Ultimate boon – In the final step of the initiation stage, the hero achieves the purpose of the journey.

Let’s Return!

In this stage, the hero has to go back home and deal with these 6 steps:

12. Refusal of return – The hero now refuses to return to ordinary life!

13. Magic Flight – A final conflict is presented and he has to escape.

14. Rescue from without – Thankfully, the hero is rescued by an external source

15. Crossing of return threshold – And finally, returns to ordinary life.

16. Master of 2 worlds – The hero applies the lessons of the journey to ordinary life

17. Freedom to live – And now is free to do whatever he wants!

Let’s apply it! 

Now that our hero is back we can take a look on how to apply his journey to our copywriting!

Monomyth is perfect for social media content. 

You don’t need to follow all 17 steps. Base your scripts, articles, or posts on the 3 stages and choose the steps that serve your protagonist in overcoming problems and achieving results. 

Remember to study your audience and create relatable protagonists and stories. The users can be the heroes and your brand can be the mentor that helps them fulfill their purpose! 

Craving to learn more about the power of storytelling in copywriting? Stay tuned for Part II, where we explore the power of narrative arcs!

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